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Permit: T12CM07398

Parcel: 141186320



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T12CM07398

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/11/2014 FIRE - FINAL Approved
01/16/2014 FIRE - FINAL Denied 1. Tested the following to finish the alarm system final:
a. Water flow - Passed
b. Sprinkler bell - Passed
Tested duct smokes:
RTU -1 - Passed
RTU-4 - Passed
RTU -8 - Passed
RTU-9 - Failed bad transformer for smoke
RTU-10 - Passed
RTU-11 - Passed
RTU- 12- Passed
RTU-13 - Passed
RTU-18 - Passed
AHU-1 - Passed
AHU-2 - Failed bad duct smoke detector
2. Hood final - Passed
3. Need fire final test results & factory pump test results
4. Need F.D. KEY box installed by fire riser door
5. Label fire riser door "FIRE RISER ROOM"
6. Need test results from Tucson water inspector for the underground 200 psi test, placement, bury depth, tracer wire and plastic wrap on all metal parts in the ground.
7. Correct sprinkler coverage in the freezer room west side 4th one, blocked by lights
8. Sign pump test header
9. Sign all valves in fire pump room and all auxiliary drain valves on sprinkler system