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Permit: T12CM07398

Parcel: 141186320



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - ALARM FINAL

Permit Number - T12CM07398

Inspection Description - FIRE - ALARM FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/11/2014 FIRE - ALARM FINAL Approved
01/16/2014 FIRE - ALARM FINAL Partial Approval 1. Tested the following to finish the alarm system final:
a. Water flow - Passed
b. Sprinkler bell - Passed
c. Commercal Hood - Passed
Tested duct smokes:
RTU -1 - Passed
RTU-4 - Passed
RTU -8 - Passed
RTU-9 - Failed bad transformer for smoke
RTU-10 - Passed
RTU-11 - Passed
RTU- 12- Passed
RTU-13 - Passed
RTU-18 - Passed
AHU-1 - Passed
AHU-2 - Failed bad duct smoke detector
Will re-test the failed sections