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Permit: T12CM06871

Parcel: 11615088L

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FRAMING

Permit Number - T12CM06871

Inspection Description - FRAMING

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/10/2013 FRAMING Approved
10/23/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval 1. C.T. in walls OK. Framing OK.
10/17/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
10/03/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
10/03/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval ABV CEILING CE-01, WALLS 1262, 1263, AND MUD GAS OUTLETS RM 1403.
07/05/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval 1. Stud walls at SPARC. Above ceiling #1008. I.R. Control #1400-A. CHVI Reception #1001. CT Hallway. Observation Room #1402. Equipment Room IR #1403.
06/03/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval 1.At cashier Corridor OK to rock arched partition wall. Added Med Gas outlet at CF-2.
05/09/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
04/25/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval 1. Room #3542 grid installed OK. Lounge #3446 grid installed OK. RAPP hallway grid OK. Rooms #1406 and #1407 grid OK. CHVI Receptionb, sheetrock, and framing as inspected. North hallway CE02 grid OK.
04/15/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval 1. CHVI Reception at new SPARC area. Electric in walls only. Med. Gas in walls and overhead, OK. Plumbing in walls only. OK for sheetrock T.A.C.
03/26/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*
03/06/2013 FRAMING Partial Approval 1. Framing at SPARC and RAPP as inspected.