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Permit: T12CM05621

Parcel: 11012005A



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: MECHANICAL - FINAL

Permit Number - T12CM05621

Inspection Description - MECHANICAL - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/02/2016 MECHANICAL - FINAL Approved IVRS - Inspection :*
12/29/2015 MECHANICAL - FINAL Not ready for Inspection
12/23/2015 MECHANICAL - FINAL Denied uv protection, insulation, protect canvas covers, carflex. Provide access to water heaters, also install instructions. Provide access to backflow assemblies and certs as req.correct plastic cover at gfi. cap drain bibs.Condensate may not reduce in dsize.
12/21/2015 MECHANICAL - FINAL Not ready for Inspection IVRS - Inspection :*
12/15/2015 MECHANICAL - FINAL Not ready for Inspection IVRS - Inspection :*
05/20/2015 MECHANICAL - FINAL Partial Approval IVRS - Inspection :*