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Case: T11FR00034

Parcel: 13709007D


5404 S 12TH AV

Inspection Status: Violation


Case Number - T11FR00034

Inspection Description - VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS

Inspection Status - Violation

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/05/2011 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation 904.5.1 System test. Systems shall be inspected and tested for proper operation at 6-month intervals. Tests shall include a check of the detection system, alarms and releasing devices, including manual stations and other associated equipment.
01/05/2011 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation 904.11.6.3 - Hoods, grease-removal devices, fans, ducts and other appurtenances shall be cleaned at intervals necessary to prevent the accumulation of grease. Cleanings shall be recorded, and records shall state the extent, time and date of cleaning. Such records shall be maintained on the premises.