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Case: T11DV00829

Parcel: 107121920



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T11DV00829

Inspection Description - INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/17/2011 INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT Approved Parcel has two main structures, both facing Laguna St to north. One is set forward in the NE corner (A), one is set back in the SW corner (B). Excessive storage over 25% is present on property; one area is just west of Unit A and in front of unit B. Another area is behind unit A and to the east of B. There is also two unattached accessory structures (shed and ramada) in the front west section, which do not have either zoning approval to be built in the front lot area or required permits (over 120'); the shed appears built around 2008, with the ramada more recently. The fencing around the storage areas exceed 6'- panels have been attached to the original 5' chain link and wood fence. Additionally, an attached ramada structure has also been built on the east side of unit B. A JMV truck with flat tires is clearly visible from Castro Ave. Unable to determine if an illegal home occupation is occurring; owners live in San Manuel AZ.