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Permit: T11CM00870

Parcel: 117043440


550 N 5TH AV

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: BUILDING PRE-SLAB

Permit Number - T11CM00870

Inspection Description - BUILDING PRE-SLAB

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/28/2011 BUILDING PRE-SLAB Approved
12/12/2011 BUILDING PRE-SLAB Partial Approval
09/29/2011 BUILDING PRE-SLAB Partial Approval
09/29/2011 BUILDING PRE-SLAB Denied tendons not allowed to push up into dirt

relocate tendons at 2 locations to avoid crushing pvc pipe

missng "z" bars at corners

chair tendons across thickened slab & footing areas
09/23/2011 BUILDING PRE-SLAB Partial Approval
09/22/2011 BUILDING PRE-SLAB Partial Approval