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Permit: T10OT02080

Parcel: 11307145A

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T10OT02080

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/16/2011 FIRE - FINAL Approved
02/14/2011 FIRE - FINAL Denied No Access
01/19/2011 FIRE - FINAL Denied Not approved 1/19/10
1.) Both emergency back-up lights are not working.
09/28/2010 FIRE - FINAL Denied Not approved 9/28/10
1.) Extenson cords are for temporary use only, not as substitute for permament wiring. All appliance cords must be connected directly to power inlet or into an approved adaptor.
2.) Replace the missing ceiling tile located over the walk-in cooler.
3.) Emergency back-up lights are burnt out.
4.) The sliding/accordian door located next to the rest rooms must remain in the open position or it must be removed.