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Permit: T10OT00760

Parcel: 11808009B



Inspection Status: Denied

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T10OT00760

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Denied

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
04/08/2010 FIRE - FINAL Denied 1. 2nd Floor south hallway pull station needs testing pulled from wall.
2. 2nd floor north hallway closet cover plates needs on switch and outlet.
3. Exit signs replace battery back and make sure power in on for 120V. Wiring to some of the exits not weather tight need to rewire.
4. Southend pull station repair pulled out of wall.
5. Room 319 replace smoke det. not loud.
6. Need cover plate on 6x6 elect. bax behind washer.