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Case: T10FR01454

Parcel: 13621006B

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: INSP - AST

Case Number - T10FR01454

Inspection Description - INSP - AST

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/23/2010 INSP - AST Approved Approved
08/05/2010 INSP - AST Continued Vents on order. Aproxx two weeks
07/15/2010 INSP - AST Correction Required The tanks on your property must have a permit obtained through the City of Tucson. Below are the codes that require the permit and give the requirements for installation.

3404. Vent-line flame arresters and venting devices. Vent-line flame arresters and venting devices shall be installed in accordance with their listings. Use of flame arresters in piping systems shall be in accordance with API 2028.

3404. Vent pipe outlets. Vent outlets on atmospheric tanks storing Class IIIB liquids are allowed to discharge inside a building if the vent is a normally closed vent.
" Install the required vents, if the tanks are indoors install the "Normally closed or Pressure/ vacuum" type vent

3404.2.7.4 Emergency venting. Stationary, above-ground tanks shall be equipped with additional venting that will relieve excessive internal pressure caused by exposure to fires. The venting shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Section of NFPA 30.
" Install the required emergency vents.