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Case: T10DV08510

Parcel: 135040950



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T10DV08510

Inspection Description - INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
04/20/2012 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Final compliance hearing today w Judge Leavit.
Shed has been disassembled. Citation abated.
All in comliance. Close case.
03/23/2012 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Court today w Judge Leavit.
Members of Pantano Christian church
accompanied Defendant to court.
They promised to have shed removed by 3/31.
Judge granted one more extention to 4/20.
02/27/2012 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Court at 3:00 pm today with Judge Leavitt.
The defendant did not appear.
I asked for Max fines and to close the case
Due to inactivity and no abatement of the unpermitted shed in the backyard. The Judge decided to grant the defendant one more extention. The last court date is set for 3/23/12.
I have called the defendant and informed her.
01/26/2012 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Court w Judge Leavit, I told defendant and Judge that I was not seeing any progress. I asked for one final 30 day ext. and made it clear that if the shed was not removed from the property I would ask for max fees and close case.
Continuance granted to 2/27/12.
11/21/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Judge granted extention. Next hearing set for Jan 26 2012.
10/07/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved The next continuance hearing is Oct 17th.

A local church is helping the property owner abate the violations.
The church folks have asked me for one more continuance to abated the regaining violation.
06/20/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved The infraction hearing was last Thursday 6/16/11.
The JMV violation has been abated and was dropped.
The judge gave the defendant until July 22 2011 to abate the other two VLs.
1. Shed w/o permits
2. Pile of dirt in front yard.
Defendant has secured help from a local church.
Compliance hearing is set for Monday July 25 2011 at 9:30am
05/16/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved 10:30am pre court inspection
pile of dirt still in front yard.
No permits.
2:30 court infraction hearing.
Defendant did not show.
Defendant applied for permit today.
Permit not in approved and issued status.
05/10/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved 8am inspection before court.
JMV gone. Pile of dirt remains.
No permits for the shed.
10am Court
Defendant unable to speak due to stress.
Judge postpone infraction hearing untill 5/16/11
02/22/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Nothing done. Go to citation. Arraignment scheduled for 4/12/2011.
01/10/2011 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved Nothing done. Charge 75$ refee.
Send with 2nd NOV giving until Feb 17 2011
12/30/2010 INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE Approved NOV not abated.