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Permit: T09OT00754

Parcel: 10704002C



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T09OT00754

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/05/2009 FIRE - FINAL Approved
04/23/2009 FIRE - FINAL Denied 1.) Provide a sign with the building address numbers on it (minimum of 12 inches) fronting the Glenn St. road directing to the location of the property.
2.) Provide sign over front door reading, "DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED".
3.) Provide a directional exit sign over the fire door located in the Emergency Full Body Wash area leading into the office area.
4.) Provide MSDS info. indicating ALL chemicals stored in building.
5.) Provide Exie signs over the extetior doors located in the warehouse/ storage area.
6.) Portable extinguishers must be inspected/ serviced annually.
7.) Extension cords are for temporary use only.
8.) The cross-bar security device on the north exterior door in the warehouse area shall be removed.
9.) Provide a handle or a knob for same door.
10.) Sliding-bolt security devices for exterior doors are prohibited.
11.) Empty 55 gallon cylinders shall be labled "EMPTY"
12.) Provide an updated set of approved floor plans.