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Case: T09FR00479

Parcel: 129091410

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: INSP - FULL

Case Number - T09FR00479

Inspection Description - INSP - FULL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/24/2009 INSP - FULL Approved approved
02/03/2009 INSP - FULL Violation 1). Fire department connections currently are painted shut and not labeled. Caps shall be loosened, and sign painted red. IFC 901.6
2). Sprinkler test and inspection report shall be conducted. IFC 901.6
3). East exit sign is out of service. This sign shall be illuminated. IFC 1027.3.
4). Hole in wall behind water fountain shall be repaired. IFC 703.1
5). Emergency lights in hallway are out of service and shall be repaired. IFC1027.5
6). Fire alarm pull stations are missing glass posts. This is an incomplete pull station; the glass posts shall be replaced. IFC 901.6
7). Fire alarm test and inspection report shall be submitted. IFC 901.6
8). Northwest exit is blocked. All obstructions shall be removed. IFC 1028
9). Painted sprinkler head in warehouse shall be replaced. IFC 901.6