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Case: T09FR00051

Parcel: 140122210



Inspection Status: Violation

Inspection History: INSP - FULL

Case Number - T09FR00051

Inspection Description - INSP - FULL

Inspection Status - Violation

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/07/2009 INSP - FULL Violation 1027.5 Emergency escape openings. Required emergency escape
openings shall be maintained in accordance with the code
in effect at the time of construction, and the following: Required
emergency escape and rescue openings shall be operational
from the inside of the room without the use of keys or
tools. Bars, grilles, grates or similar devices are allowed to be
placed over emergency escape and rescue openings provided
the minimum net clear opening size complies with the code that
was in effect at the time of construction and such devices shall
be releasable or removable from the inside without the use of a
key, tool or force greater than that which is required for normal
operation of the escape and rescue opening.
Do not block exits.
01/07/2009 INSP - FULL Approved 901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire detection,
alarm and extinguishing systems shall be maintained in an operative
condition at all times, and shall be replaced or repaired
where defective. Nonrequired fire protection systems and
equipment shall be inspected, tested and maintained or removed.
01/07/2009 INSP - FULL Violation 605.4 Multiplug adapters. Multiplug adaptors, such as cube
adaptors, unfused plug strips or any other device not complying
with the ICC Electrical Code shall be prohibited.
605.4.1 Power tap design. Relocatable power taps shall be
of the polarized or grounded type, equipped with
overcurrent protection, and shall be listed.
605.4.2 Power supply. Relocatable power taps shall be directly
connected to a permanently installed receptacle.
605.4.3 Installation. Relocatable power tap cords shall not
extend through walls, ceilings, floors, under doors or floor
coverings, or be subject to environmental or physical damage.