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Permit: T09CM00196

Parcel: 10714008C


2525 N 1ST AV 01

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T09CM00196

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/15/2010 FIRE - FINAL Approved
06/02/2010 FIRE - FINAL Denied 1. Extension cords to coolers on warehouse not allowed.
2. 8' shop lights in warehouse wired in conduit, because of the building being all metal roof wring can short out on building.
3. Wiring to hot water heater in conduit, any wiring below 7' in height shall be protected from falling objects.
4. Outlet to hanging space heater in conduit, any wire below 7' in height and passing through metal building shall be protected.
5. Outlet in front office storage (warehouse) wiring shall be in conduit, any wiring below 7' in height shall be protected from falling objects.
6. (Paint shop) 4 square boxes or j-boxes on ceilings missing cover plates need to replace all plates.
7. (Paint shop) Outlet on south wall has a broken outlet shall replace.
8. (Paint shop front building) under canopy northwest side J-box missing cover plate
9. (Paint shop office) Remove padlock and hasp from front entrance door mounted outside.
10. Keep paint booth clean and only use tools that are made of nonsparking materials.
11. In paint storage/mixing room all wiring shall be of an approved type for flammable vapors. Outlet behind paints shall be class 1 wiring. Remove radio and spliced wiring for speakers out of this room.
12. Keep storage 3 feet away from paint booth so as a person is able to work on paint booth if needed, and no combustibles to catch on fire.