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Permit: T09BU01686

Parcel: 13707047A

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: GRADING - TIER REV

Permit Number - T09BU01686

Inspection Description - GRADING - TIER REV

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/27/2010 GRADING - TIER REV Approved Approved
11/17/2010 GRADING - TIER REV Prior to Final Inspectn EOR chose to not have a bleed pipe and their post construction perc test failed. Geotech, EOR, Arch & PDSD ENGR met Monday 15NOV10 to discuss scenarios to fix basin and discussed which solutions have worked for other projects that have had this issue. PDSD Engr awaiting EOR/Geotech's proposal (Tier 1).
11/04/2010 GRADING - TIER REV Prior to Final Inspectn Pattison-Evanoff to submit post construction perc testing results. Partial basin area infiltration testing is acceptable per discussion with Jim Evanoff 4NOV10.