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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Inspection History: INSP - FULL
Case Number - T08FR03440
Inspection Description - INSP - FULL
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
02/24/2009 | INSP - FULL | Approved | Was completed 11/26/09 | |
10/30/2008 | INSP - FULL | Violation | IFC 1014.4.1 Nonpublic aisles serving less than 50 people must be no less than 28 inches wide at all times. You will ensure that deliveries of stock are arranged so as not to reduce the minimum 28 inch clearance or obstruct your aisles in your stock area at ANY time. |
10/01/2008 | INSP - FULL | Violation | 901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire detection, alarm and extinguishing systems shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times, and shall be replaced or repaired where defective. 1)Replace missing escussion plates ( noted: over front entrance to store, 7 missing in stockroom, cash counting room and cash office) 2) Replace caps on FDC's located under canopy to the North of the Store entrance. You will need to call your sprinkler maintenance company to initiate this process. |
10/01/2008 | INSP - FULL | Violation | 315.2 Storage in buildings. Storage of combustible materials in buildings shall be orderly. Maintain distance around electrical connections; remove feather duster and papers from powerstrip in office. | |
10/01/2008 | INSP - FULL | Violation | 903.3.3 Obstructed locations. Automatic sprinklers shall be installed with due regard to obstructions that will delay activation or obstruct the water distribution pattern. Automatic sprinklers shall be installed in or under covered kiosks, displays, booths, concession stands, or equipment that exceeds 4 feet (1219 mm) in width. Your rack storage of matresses in the stock room is preventing sprinkler coverage from reaching the ground level. You will have a sprinkler company draw up plans to drop heads under the racks if you are to continue storing matresses in that manner. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval before any heads are added. You may also choose not to store matresses on racks. | |
10/01/2008 | INSP - FULL | Violation | 605.5 Extension cords. Extension cords and flexible cords shall not be a substitute for permanent wiring. Remove all extension cords in use and replace with a powerstrip with oversurge protection or provide a hardwired electrical source. 1) two reels on ceiling in back of store 2) stock room near roll up door |
10/01/2008 | INSP - FULL | Violation | 703.1 Maintenance. The required fire-resistance rating of fire-resistance-rated construction shall be maintained. 1)Repair/replace ceiling tiles with holes near sprinkler heads and where any are missing. 2)Repair holes in wood and plaster ceiling around sprinkler heads in stock/recieving area. This is imperative to the proper function of sprinkler heads in the event of a fire, and in preventing fire spread/smoke spread throughout building. 3) Repair fire resistive covering on ceiling of stock room near your matress and furniture storage area. |