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Permit: T08BU00701

Parcel: 13815014G



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: GRADING - FINAL

Permit Number - T08BU00701

Inspection Description - GRADING - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
02/27/2009 GRADING - FINAL Approved OK per PM
01/20/2009 GRADING - FINAL Partial Approval Field visit with Paul M. per Paul grading for drainage is sufficent to handly flows.
11/20/2008 GRADING - FINAL Correction Required Contractor cut drainage channel on east side. Still needs to provide approved revised drawing for inspection.
11/18/2008 GRADING - FINAL Denied Contractor needs to:
1- All flow on east side needs to drain into water harvesting area. Per Paul M.
2- If contractor does not close out grading permit. A citation will be issued to the owner of Canyon Building and Design.
11/14/2008 GRADING - FINAL Partial Approval items 1 and 19 need to be addressed before final
if site drainage to remain as is P.M. needs to approve
08/23/2008 GRADING - FINAL Denied Contractor needs to complete punch and separate all construction activity for public access.
08/22/2008 GRADING - FINAL Denied Complete punch list.
08/21/2008 GRADING - FINAL Correction Required Contractor needs to address HC ramp east side of building. (10.7%)
08/20/2008 GRADING - FINAL Denied Contractor needs to:
1. Provide site certification from engineer. Per C.O.T. Drainage Manual, chapter XIV, section 14.2 (7).
2. Complete all bike parking.
3. Complete all fine grading around site.
4. Stabilize all areas disturbed by construction.
5. Remove dumpster and port-a-potty for site.
6. Complete all striping.
7. Complete all sidewalk work, east and west side of building.
8. Install gates and fill bollards in trash enclosure.
9. Backfill all open holes and trenches on site.
10. Install all wheel stops.
11. Install HC ramp southeast corner of trash enclosure.
12. Complete all HC parking.
13. Install handrails for frontage access. (continuous both side)
14. Repair broken curb southwest entrance.
15. Remove all construction debris and equipment from site.
16. Complete all fence work.
17. Address side slopes next to southeast entrance. (HC ramp)
18. Complete drainage channel west side of building.
19. Provide positive drainage to water harvesting area.
20. Engineer needs to address drainage east side of building.
21. 60'X60' sand lot, minimum setback 10' from building.
22. Extend water harvesting area on east side of building.
23. All slopes to be verified on 8/21/08, AM.