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Permit: T07OT02929

Parcel: 11207461C



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T07OT02929

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/06/2008 FIRE - FINAL Approved Approved 6/6/08.
04/29/2008 FIRE - FINAL Denied Not approved 4/24/08.
1.) Exit signs shall be illuminated at all times.
2.) Remove keyed lock from east exit door.
3.) Provide cover plates
a.) behind bar
b.) storage roon X 2
4.) Provide seperation between fryer and range.
5.) Provide cover plugs for electrical panal.
6.) Remove3 slide bolt from rear exit located next to coolers.
7.) Remove slide bolt lock and keyed lock from kitchen exit door. Replace with thumb-turn lock or other approved locking device.
8.) Sprinkler system in kitchen area shall be maintained in working order or removed from service. ( permit is required to remove sprinkler system)
04/16/2008 FIRE - FINAL Denied Not approved 4/16/08.
Doors locked. Unsuccessful in attempt to make contact by phone. Left message to contact my cell to schedule appointment.
01/23/2008 FIRE - FINAL Denied Negative contact with prperty rep. after 2 attempts at the site. (0930 hrs. & 1300hrs.) Attempted contact by phone at phone # provided. Neg contact. Left message.

Left instuctions to re-schedule and to have propety rep. present at the business in order to conduct inspection.