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Case: T07FR01604

Parcel: 11711096D



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: INSP - FULL

Case Number - T07FR01604

Inspection Description - INSP - FULL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/24/2007 INSP - FULL Approved
08/22/2007 INSP - FULL Violation Our records indicate the following records are due.

1). Automatic Fire Sprinkler test and inspection report (last 2005)
2). Fire pump report. (last 2005)
3). Fire alarm test report (last 2005)
08/17/2007 INSP - FULL Violation 1). Mount portable fire extinguisher in elevator room. IFC 906.7
2). Suite 110. Remove or mount portable fire extinguisher. IFC 906.7
3). In phone rooms. Fire stopping shall be required between floors (must be UL Listed). IFC 703.1.1
4). Replace ceiling tiles in 10th floor, 8th floor sprinkler shut off room. IFC 703.1
5). Repair stairs used during exiting on roof. IFC 1028.2
6). Replace signs on chains leading to stairs not used for exiting. These stairs may be confused for exits. Sign shall read "NOT AN EXIT". IFC 1028.2
7). Cover J-Box in basement by D1 Sore room IFC 605
8). Shield required for sprinkler head, or raise head to Meet NFPA 13 standards for such installations. IFC 903.3.1
9). Basement room adjacent to incomplete stairs: Remove ALL combustible material.