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Case: T07FR01319

Parcel: 119281470


2401 W 40TH ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: INSP - FULL

Case Number - T07FR01319

Inspection Description - INSP - FULL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/08/2007 INSP - FULL Approved Responded to complaint 7/19. Spoke with Carlos Castro, son. I left residential burn permit and rules pertaining to residential fires. All fires forthwith shall be contained in a metal tray on the property. Evidence of burning was found with no containment. I ordered family to create a defensible space around metal fire pit, and to only burn organic material creating white smoke only. All was completed upon re-inspection on 7/27. Advised that if all burning was in compliance, a fire department response would still cause the fire to be extinguished immediately if found to be a smoke or respiratory hazard.
07/16/2007 INSP - FULL Continued MA26 assigned.
07/12/2007 INSP - FULL Correction Required burning in his property there are broken bales of hay, green hay bales, debris and desert grass. Call Dolores Hinz with findings 820-6377. (Says if she sees him burning again she is calling 911).