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Case: T07FR01003

Parcel: 13002172A


2958 E 22ND ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: INSP - FULL

Case Number - T07FR01003

Inspection Description - INSP - FULL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/05/2007 INSP - FULL Approved Final inspection/complete.
05/23/2007 INSP - FULL Correction Required 2003 IFC-1003.6 The emergency back up lights and the illumination exit lights shall be in good working order at all times. This is throughout the business.
2003 IFC-1011.1 The back exit door shall have a exit sign posted.
2003 IFC-1008.1.8.4 The front exit door has two flash bolts. Flash bolts are prohibited, shall remove or get panic hardware.
The building was 2496 square feet, I checked to see if it needed sprinklers and it does not require sprinklers. anything over 12,000 shall require sprinklers.