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Case: T07FR00506

Parcel: 107060840



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T07FR00506

Inspection Description - VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3804.1- The storage and handling of LP-gas and the installation and maintenance of related equipment shall comply with NFPA 58.
NFPA 58- Where saddles are used to support a container, they shall allow for expansion and contaction and prevent an excessive concentration of stresses. (west saddle cracked)
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3807.2- Smoking within 25 feet of a point of transfer, while filling operations are in progress at containers or vehicles shall be prohibited. Control of ignition sources shall be maintained. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3804.2- Storage of LP-gas for the protection of heavily populated areas shall not exceed a water capacity of 2000 gallons.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3807.3- Weeds, grass, brush and other combustible materials shall be kept a minimum of 10 feet from LP-gas tanks or containers.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3807.4- Where exposed to vehicular damage due to proximity to alleys, driveways or parking areas, LP-gas containers, regulators and piping shall be protected in accordance with Section 312.
1. all containers
2. 1000 gallon tank
3. all exposed piping
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3808.1- Fire protection shall be provided for installations having storage containers greater than 4000 gallons, as required by NFPA 58- Sections 3-10.
A written review of an emergency response plan shall be submitted to the fire department including but limited to;
1. an inadvertent release of LP-gas
2. fire
3. security breach
4. plan shall include consideration for safety of emergency personnel, workers and the public.
5. evaluation of the total product control system, such as emergency shut-off and internal valves equipped for remote closure and automatic shut-off using thermal (fire) actuation pullaway protection.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3808.2- Fire extinguishers shall be provided as specified in NFPA 58 and IFC 906.
A minimum rating of 20 B:C is required at all dispensing areas and anywhere the travel distance is more than 75 feet.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3805.2- LP-gas shall not be released to the atmosphere.
We identified 2 leaks in the line on the 33,000 gallon tank.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3807.1- Safety devices shall function properly.
The fusible link at the base of the 1000 gallon tank shall be repaired or replaced.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3809.2- Containers in storage shall be located in a manner which minimizes exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage or tampering.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3809.8- Container valves shall be protected by screw on type caps or collars which shall be securely in place on all containers regardless of whether they are full or empty.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3809.12- Storage outside of buildings shall be located not less than 20 feet from openings into buildings and 10 feet from combustible materials.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3810.1- Containers whose use has been temporarily discontinued shall comply with all of the following;
1. be disconnected from appliance piping.
2. have container outlets, except relief valves, closed or plugged.
3. be positioned with the relief valve in direct communication with the vapor space.
***There are possibly 3 tanks that are out of service.***
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3810.2- Containers to be placed permanently out of service shall be removed from site.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3811.2.1- LP-gas tank vehicles shall not be left unattended within 500 feet of a residential area.
03/14/2007 VIOL - LIQUID PETROLEUM GASES Violation IFC 3806.1- Dispensing of LP-gas shall be performed by a qualified attendant. Records shall be kept.