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Permit: T07CM03626

Parcel: 140122180



Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: ENGINEERING - FINAL

Permit Number - T07CM03626

Inspection Description - ENGINEERING - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/21/2008 ENGINEERING - FINAL Approved Keep construction debris and activity separated from public access.
05/15/2008 ENGINEERING - FINAL Not ready for Inspection Contractor needs to address all items from punch listed 5/6/08. Contractor needs to contact DR in Zoning in regards to ADA access. (truncated domes in ramps)
05/09/2008 ENGINEERING - FINAL Denied I was asked by Lee Ray to go by site and see if it was ready for a temp C of O. After walking site I called LeeRay and told him, I did not think the site was ready for a temp C of O there was still to much activity in and around the building.
05/06/2008 ENGINEERING - FINAL Denied Contractor needs to:
1- Clean all wash out. (front and rear of building)
2- Remove mini mobile unit from site.
3- Clean all trash rear of building.
4- Remove dumpster from site.
5- Separate all construction activity and debris from public access.
6- Contractor re-surfacing parking lot and re-striping, will need to re-submit for full code complaince for H.C. parking and installation of truncated domes. per zoning.
Spoke to Kyle site super in regards to punch list.