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Case: T06FR01141

Parcel: 12801001A



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T06FR01141

Inspection Description - COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/09/2006 COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION Approved I spoke with John Coate (manager). This area is about 2500-3000 square feet and has two marked exit (one leading directly to the outside). According to IFC Chapter 2 definitions for an I-4, a child care within a facility is classified as an "E" occupancy.

Child care facility. A facility that provides supervision
and personal care on less than a 24-hour basis for
more than five children 21/2years of age or less shall be
classified as Group I-4.
Exception: A child day care facility which provides
care for more than five but no more than 100
children 21/2 years or less of age, when the rooms
where such children are cared for are located on the
level of exit discharge and each of these child care
rooms has an exit door directly to the exterior, shall
be classified as Group E.

THE factor for an E according to table 1004.1.2 the factor is 20. This would make the O.L. Approx. 120-150. The complainant said there were 60 kids in the room.

Additionally, the complainant was concerned about the lack of an exit plan. I Advised them to post an exit plan in the room and to train the employees.

I have spoken with the complainant with my finding