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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Case Number - T05FR01071
Inspection Description - VIOL - FIRE SERVICE FEATURES
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
09/26/2005 | VIOL - FIRE SERVICE FEATURES | Approved | ok | |
08/25/2005 | VIOL - FIRE SERVICE FEATURES | Violation | Upon, further inspection of property it has been noticed that fire lane signs are faded and non-readable. These shall be replaced. TFC Section D101 SIGNS (modified) Every fire apparatus access roadway required under the authority of this section shall be posted with signs installed at points not more than one-hundred (100) feet apart along the length of the required fire apparatus access roadway. The bottom of every such sign shall not be less than seven (7) feet or more than ten (10) feet from the ground surface level. Signs shall be posted to face the direction of travel. Construction, installation, and maintenance of the signs shall be done at no expense to the City. Materials and locations of each sign shall be indicated in the plans submitted to the fire department. Fire access signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The required sign shall be the international NO PARKING sign with a standard sign size (width and height) of 12 x 18 inches (300 x 450 mm), on a white reflective background. The international NO PARKING symbol shall be a black P, six inches high. Underneath the NO PARKING symbol, in one-and-five-eighths inch high and one-quarter inch stroke, in red lettering it shall read: FIRE ACCESS TOW-AWAY Only fire apparatus access roadways required under the authority of this section or as approved by the chief may be posted or identified with the approved sign shown above. Unauthorized signs shall be removed. |
07/19/2005 | VIOL - FIRE SERVICE FEATURES | Violation | A complaint was filed to the City Of Tucson Fire Department in regards to possible fire code violations at 7777 E Golf Links. City records indicate you are the responsible party of this property. 1) The complaint is as follows: All dryer vents are clogged and heat detector wiring has been removed. With this letter, I request access to these areas. Upon, further inspection of property it has been noticed that fire lane signs are faded and non-readable. These shall be replaced. TFC Section D101 SIGNS (modified) Every fire apparatus access roadway required under the authority of this section shall be posted with signs installed at points not more than one-hundred (100) feet apart along the length of the required fire apparatus access roadway. The bottom of every such sign shall not be less than seven (7) feet or more than ten (10) feet from the ground surface level. Signs shall be posted to face the direction of travel. Construction, installation, and maintenance of the signs shall be done at no expense to the City. Materials and locations of each sign shall be indicated in the plans submitted to the fire department. Fire access signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The required sign shall be the international NO PARKING sign with a standard sign size (width and height) of 12 x 18 inches (300 x 450 mm), on a white reflective background. The international NO PARKING symbol shall be a black P, six inches high. Underneath the NO PARKING symbol, in one-and-five-eighths inch high and one-quarter inch stroke, in red lettering it shall read: FIRE ACCESS TOW-AWAY Only fire apparatus access roadways required under the authority of this section or as approved by the chief may be posted or identified with the approved sign shown above. Unauthorized signs shall be removed. This letter is to inform you that abatement of these Tucson Fire Code violations must be completed by 8-2-05. A re-inspection shall be conducted at that time to ensure compliance. |