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Case: T05FR01040

Parcel: 131010250


4828 E 22ND ST

Inspection Status: Violation


Case Number - T05FR01040

Inspection Description - VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS

Inspection Status - Violation

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
06/30/2005 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation TFC 901.6.2- Records of all fire protection system inspections, tests and maintenance required shall be kept on the premises for a minimum of 3 years.
06/30/2005 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation TFC 906.7- Fire extinguishers shall be installed on their hanger or bracket. (kitchen)
06/30/2005 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation TFC 904.11.6.3- Hoods, ducts and other appurtenances shall be cleaned at intervals necessary to prevent the accumulation of grease. Records shall be kept on premises.
06/30/2005 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation TFC 901.6- Fire extinguishers shall be serviced annually. (near restrooms)
06/30/2005 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Violation TFC 906.7- Fire extinguishers shall be installed on their hanger or bracket. (near restroom)