Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.
Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: Approved
Permit Number - T05BU02254
Inspection Description - STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP
Inspection Status - Approved
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
12/12/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Approved | Contractor completed punch list. | |
10/26/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to address: 1- Standing water in basins (both). 2- Address erosion in basin. (south side) 3- Address all items from past inspections. 4- Clean silt out of parking lot. 5- Clean concrete wash out. |
10/06/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contractor needs to keep streets clean. Also spoke to Richard site super, in regards to the south side of project along basin. The Slope is a vert. that is not stabilized. I told Richard engineer needs to address this. | |
09/22/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contractor needs to: 1- Contractor needs to address items from last inspection. 2- Stabilize all disturbed by construction along Fairland. 3- Address ponding issue on eastside of west entrance. |
09/06/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Spoke to the super in regards to: 1- Pull soil material off fence southside of project. 2- Address erosion along sidewalk and parking area next to basin. 3- Scupper location. 4- Installing small drainage channel for SWPPP controls. 5- Address ponding issue next to west entrance. |
08/04/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to: 1- Clean track out off street. 2- Provide wash out area for masons. 3- Basinholding water for more then 24 hours. |
07/21/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Spoke to Richard site super in regards to installing scuppers for roof drains, Basin SWPPP controls and installing controls for west driveway. | |
06/22/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contractor needs to keep all controls in working order. (fence, construction entrance, ect.) Contacted Jim McCaslin (260-2909) plant manager for CTX. Contractor will need to get a grading permit for off site stock piling of material. | |
06/07/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to address: 1- Clean up wash out around site and clean concrete wash out area. 2- Repair holes in fence. 3- Clean track out. If contractor does not address a stop work order will be issued. |
05/23/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to address: 1- Clean up wash out around site. Ensure contractor are using proper wash out area. 2- Clean concrete wash out area. 3- Repair holes in fence. Spoke to site super in regards to items. |
05/08/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Repair silt fence around perimeter of project. Keep street clean. | |
04/25/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contractor needs to install temp stormwater controls around utility cut next to entrance. | |
04/13/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to address: 1- Repair silt fence as needed. 2- Provide proper wash out area for subs. |
04/07/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contractor cleaned street and install construction entrance. | |
04/06/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | issued Correction Notice. Contractor needs to: 1- Clean track out off street. 2- Install construction entrance per SWPPP. Contractor given 2 days to make corrections. If corrections are not made I informed the super I will issue a NOV or Stop Work Order. |
03/22/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to repair or replace silt fencing (2nd. Notice.) | |
03/09/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Correction Required | Contractor needs to: 1- Repair silt fencing. 2- Clean Fairland St. 3- Keep spoil piles back 2' from all stormwater controls. |
02/24/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contacted Steve in regards to: 1- Returning all paper work. 2- Keep 2' clear area between silt fence and spoils. 3- Stay inside approved grading limits. |
02/07/2006 | STORMWATER FOLLOW-UP INSP | Partial Approval | Contractor needs to address: 1- Make repairs to stormwater controls as needed. 2- Extend stormwater controls on northeast side of project around stock piled material. 3- Return all paper work from pre-con. |