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Case: T04FR00439

Parcel: 12112404E



Inspection Status: Approved


Case Number - T04FR00439

Inspection Description - COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/13/2004 COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION Approved all hazards have been approved. compliance has been met.
Recommend 6 month reinspections
10/05/2004 COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION Violation 1). All clothes shall be in closets and drawers, and shall be stored orderly TFC 315.2
10/05/2004 COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION Violation 2). All storage shall be 2 feet from ceiling TFC 315 2.1.
10/05/2004 COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION Violation 3). All excessive combustible waste material shall be removed from this apartment TFC 304.1
10/05/2004 COMPL - INITIAL INSPECTION Violation 4). Currently this apartment constitutes an unsafe condition and the non orderly storage creates an inadequate means of egress and shall be shall be abated under TFC 110.1 and TFC 110.1.1, which states:

TFC 110.1 General. If during the inspection of a premises, a building
or structure or any building system, in whole or in part, constitutes
a clear and inimical threat to human life, safety or health, the fire code official shall issue such notice or orders to remove or remedy the conditions as shall be deemed necessary…….

TFC 110.1.1 Unsafe conditions. Structures or existing equipment
that are or hereafter become unsafe or deficient because of inadequate means of egress or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or which involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition………….