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Permit: T04CM01967

Parcel: 13606002B


8800 E 22ND ST

Inspection Status: Approved

Inspection History: FIRE - FINAL

Permit Number - T04CM01967

Inspection Description - FIRE - FINAL

Inspection Status - Approved

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/08/2008 FIRE - FINAL Approved PER COMMENTS: Inspection revealed the fire alarm system was inspected 05/09/08. System in full compliance. SEE: T08FR03657
07/03/2008 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval Wing 4 - OK
Wing 5 - Not ready
10/08/2004 FIRE - FINAL Partial Approval Partial Approval-Ok to occupy Wing 4.
08/20/2004 FIRE - FINAL Not ready for Inspection No C of O for Wings 4 and 5 until fire alarm system is complete and approved. O.K. to occupy Wing 3.