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Permit: DP21-0076

Parcel: 103192850

Inspection Status: Partial Pass

Inspection History: SITE - Stormwater Follow-up

Permit Number - DP21-0076

Inspection Description - SITE - Stormwater Follow-up

Inspection Status - Partial Pass

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/20/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued,Minor track out noted Goret. No track out protection in place. Sweep streets as needed
10/12/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - Continue
09/14/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - Continued
08/24/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - Continued. Track out noted on Goret, Standing water on site.
06/29/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - Continued
06/16/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued
05/20/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued. No issues or concerns little activity at this time
05/10/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued. Little activity on site no issues or concerns at this time.
04/27/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - Continued
01/26/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - Continued
01/19/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued. Conversation with Lorenzo at 245-5064 Dirtworks contract. Requested contractor schedule inspections biweekly. Assisted with schedule requirements.
01/06/2022 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by NGARCIA3 - Continued. No issues or concerns at this time. Grading activities in progress 3196 N Silverbell Rd,
11/10/2021 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up BBENEDON Continued Entered by VVERA1 - 09154. Continued. No concerns at this time.
03/22/2024 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up Partial Pass
07/18/2024 SITE - Stormwater Follow-up Complete (Recurring) Low control stormwater there’s no damage out here after the rain