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Permit: DP20-0194

Parcel: 141366880

Inspection Status: Not Ready

Inspection History: SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection

Permit Number - DP20-0194

Inspection Description - SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection

Inspection Status - Not Ready

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
10/26/2022 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready
01/20/2023 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready Complete all work on the site prior to calling the sand for a final
05/01/2023 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready I need to finish per plan before submitting for finals
06/23/2023 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready For a final on stormwater inspections contacted Roberts
09/01/2023 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready Multiple areas thru out site need wattle or wattle to be re-staked and adjusted multiple areas thru out site need debris and run off removed and cleaned from sidewalk and street areas.
09/29/2023 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready Complete all of the work on this site as shown on the Approved Drawings, provide Approved Drawings or Approved Revised Drawings for the Inspector to use during all Final Inspections. Once the Site has been Approved with Drawings you can then seek Final Approval and Closure for all open Permits as needed.

Prior to the Final Approval of this site you will need to provide the following Document/s before we can sign the project as finished and complete. Ensure that All Drawings represent the Site as it is, and that All Revision changes have been Submitted and Approved by the City of Tucson Review staff, no As-built Drawings will be accepted. Also provide a copy of the Notice Of Termination from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality for the closing of the SWPPP for this Permit. Possible signed and Sealed Certification Letter from the Engineer of Record stating that the site was constructed per the Approved Drawings.
10/27/2023 SITE - Stormwater Final Inspection Not Ready Ensure that all work is completed per the approved plans, and provide this department with the NOT Notice of Termination from the Arizona Department of Environment Quality for this Permit. What’s this information has been pre-AA inspection for this can be done and this portion of the permit can be approved.