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Permit: DP19-0312

Parcel: 117200270



Inspection Status: Passed

Inspection History: ENGR Grading Final

Permit Number - DP19-0312

Inspection Description - ENGR Grading Final

Inspection Status - Passed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
11/17/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Approved Entered by PAHUMAD1 -
11/17/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Approved Entered by PAHUMAD1 -
10/16/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Partial Approval Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Partially approved. Grading, and curb installation in progress
09/17/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continued. Contractor starting to lay forms for walkways and curbs.
08/12/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Partial Approval Entered by RSALDAT1 - Partially approved. Storm water piping
08/11/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Partial Approval Entered by RSALDAT1 - Partially approved. Below ground storm drain piping from building to catch basin
05/18/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continued. Site has been cleared and temporary fencing has been installed
05/14/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continued. Lyle at 480-229-0120. Over acts and material replacement has been completed. Contractor to start on footings.
05/14/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continued. Lyle at 480-229-0120. Over acts and material replacement has been completed. Contractor to start on footings.
11/18/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Approved Entered by PAHUMAD1 -
11/18/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Approved Entered by PAHUMAD1 -
10/16/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continued. Grading.
10/16/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by JSCHNEI2 - continued. Grading for drive and walkways
10/16/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by RSALDAT1 - continued. Grading for drive and walkways
09/17/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by JSCHNEI2 - Continued. Contractor starting to lay forms for walkways and curbs.
05/14/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continued. Lyle at 480-229-0120. Over acts and material replacement has been completed. Contractor to start on footings.
05/14/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Continued Entered by RSALDAT1 - Continued. Lyle at 480-229-0120. Over acts and material replacement has been completed. Contractor to start on footings.
11/24/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Approved Entered by PAHUMAD1 -
11/19/2020 ENGR Grading Final BBENEDON Not Applicable Entered by PAHUMAD1 - Not applicable.