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Parcel: 138120080


5832 S 6TH AV

Inspection Status: In Violation

Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Case Number - CE-VIO0923-05641

Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Inspection Status - In Violation

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/21/2023 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial In Violation Has 5-units on the property and the parcel is listed as a single family resident. No one home to any of the units and the rear of the property has stacks of blocks, a wrecked vehicle, construction material and other items being stored on the property behind the structure and vacant. Did have a sign in the front of the property and not sure if being sold or for renting out units. Did call and left a message. Did find another number and called that number and left a message. The owner did call back and went over that a complaint has been called in on 5- units and suppose to be one house. Will be doing a N.O.V. and the owner was going to check on the units being split or added to the property. Has AC and showing to have coolers and wall furnaces. Will do the N.O.V. RV.