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Parcel: 11007217B



Inspection Status: In Violation

Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Case Number - CE-VIO0524-01666

Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Inspection Status - In Violation

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
05/06/2024 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial In Violation 136 PM - Vehicle struck one of the pillars supporting a porch like area at the far southeast portion of building. Owner on site, removed back stucco and foam to see into the beam. There is a steel beam that is at the center of a facade made of 2 X 4s, plywood, styrofoam and stucco. There is no apparent damage to the beam and no signs it has moved. No electrical or plumbing in this area. The area is currently caution taped off. Repairs to be made by a licensed contractor under permit. -VM