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Inspection Status: In Violation

Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Case Number - CE-VIO0324-00989

Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Inspection Status - In Violation

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/13/2024 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial In Violation 219 PM - Arrived to property and can hear a generator running. Found a generator near the carport running with extension cords running to an occupied RV and also extension cords going into the front window of the home. Water meter to main home is turned off and locked by City of Tucson Water for non payment. The meter that serves the rear home was previously turned off by City of Tucson Water. Found the meter has been removed and there is an illegal spacer installed. Spoke to owner of property and his wife who state they are living in the front home. They both confirmed there is no electric service to the property. Owners wife says a friend is who reconnected the water service to the rear home. Did make contact at the rear unit with a man who says he lives in the unit. He stated he had water service but no electric and was also using electricity from the aforementioned generator. He is unaware of who tampered with water connection. Owners of front home and occupant of rear home were both advised that the homes were condemned and could not be occupied. Both homes were posted with Red Tag Unsafe to Occupy and owner was issued citation 0007226 for the illegal spacer. -VM