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Inspection Status: Completed

Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Case Number - CE-VIO0125-00371

Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial

Inspection Status - Completed

Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/25/2025 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial Completed On site at property with Inspector Tidwell, TFD, TEP, property owners and Animal Control. Fire to dwelling. Dwelling is condemned. There was a fire to the rear South side of the dwelling that spread throughout the parcel. It appears as two detached structures were destroyed in the rear yard. Multiple windows of the rear of dwelling were destroyed, roof shingles OSB board, and other components are destroyed in the rear of the dwelling. Wood framing post and support beams are alligatored, cracked and severely charred. The gas meter was exposed to heavy heat from the fire. Southwest gas removed the meter. The exterior electrical meter and panel were destroyed in the fire. There was bear and burnt wiring throughout. The interior of the home had destroyed sheet rock, heavy smoke damage, water intrusion. Interior wood framing charred. Exterior wood fence in the rear, south side of the dwelling was destroyed by the fire. Property owner is securing the front door. Biff Baker securing wood fence in the rear and around the property.