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Inspection History Details
Inspection Status: In Violation
Inspection History: COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial
Case Number - CE-VIO0125-00341
Inspection Description - COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial
Inspection Status - In Violation
Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
02/28/2025 | COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial | In Violation | 956 am - Weeds, refuse and debris on the north half (vacant) portion of parcel. Rocks are not on the sidewalk, and there is no tripping hazard from the rocks at this time. Does not appear any excavation was done and a permit is not required at this time for the rocks in the right of way. Spk to store manager on site and advised 10 days to remove the weeds and refuse from the property. -VM |