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Case: T22DV04441
Case Details
Closed - Resolved
unfinished wall in back yard that has rebarb sticking out causing a safety hazard for neighboring properties
Entered Date:
Case Violations
Case Number: T22DV04441
Case Status: Closed - Resolved
Case Description: unfinished wall in back yard that has rebarb sticking out causing a safety hazard for neighboring properties
Total Violations: 2
Violation Date | Code Statue |
08/09/2022 | UDC Sec. 10.2.3 COMPLIANCE REVIEW, EXISTING DEVELOPMENT Any land used or occupied; any site improvement, modification, or construction started; any existing use or structure expanded, reconstructed, changed, or otherwise altered; and any land divided into multiple parcels without certification of compliance with the provisions of the UDC through a zoning review process is considered a violation of the UDC. Enforcement of violations shall be in accordance with Section 10.4, Penalties and Remedies. |
08/09/2022 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-4 PERMITS REQUIRED Unless otherwise exempt pursuant to section 301 of the Administrative Code, as adopted by reference per section 6-1 of this Code, or pursuant to any other ordinance or statute, no building, structure or building service equipment regulated by this chapter or by the technical codes adopted by the city shall be built, erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished unless a permit first has been obtained from the building official in the manner provided in the administrative and building codes adopted by the city. The purpose of a permit is to ensure that all construction is inspected by qualified City of Tucson personnel as directed by ordinance to verify compliance with city codes. Failure to obtain proper permit with inspections and approvals shall deem the construction to be unsafe. |
Completed Inspections
Case Status: Closed - Resolved
Case Number: T22DV04441
Case Description: unfinished wall in back yard that has rebarb sticking out causing a safety hazard for neighboring properties
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
08/05/2022 | COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial | Passed | {Activity date: 08/05/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: VIDAL; Comment: Entered by VIDAL - Met with the owner on site and she showed me the rear yard area and has no visible rebar. Does have a new masonry wall and not permits found where approved. The owner will have her husband call me and left a card with the owner. RV.} | |
08/30/2022 | COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up | Passed | {Activity date: 08/30/2022; Status: Approved; Inspector: VIDAL; Comment: Entered by VIDAL - Talk to the owner and went over on what is needed on the plans to get the permits. Did let him know that there will be no inspection once the permit has been issued. Will check in 30 days. RV.} |
Completed Case Activity
Case Number - T22DV04441
Case Status: Closed - Resolved
Case Description: unfinished wall in back yard that has rebarb sticking out causing a safety hazard for neighboring properties
Description | Date | Status |
CONTACTED BY MAILING | 08/09/2022 | Passed |
NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED | 08/09/2022 | Passed |