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Case Details





Entered Date:





Case Violations

Case Number: T20DV05316
Case Status: Citation
Case Description: REFUSE & WEEDS IN ALLEY
Total Violations: 1
Violation Date Code Statue
08/05/2020 T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-13(d) DUTY TO REMOVE WEEDS AND REFUSE FROM ABUTTING SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND ALLEYS UPON NOTICE Upon receipt of notice served pursuant to section 16-45, the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any premises shall remove from the premises and the abutting portions of contiguous sidewalks, streets and alleys, all weeds, garbage, debris or other refuse which may endanger the health, safety or welfare of the persons in the vicinity of such premises. This duty extends to and includes any abutting sidewalk area and one-half (½) the width of abutting alleys, from the property line to the center line of the alley.

Completed Inspections

Case Status: Citation
Case Number: T20DV05316
Case Description: REFUSE & WEEDS IN ALLEY
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
08/05/2020 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial Passed {Activity date: 08/05/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: BIGMAN; Comment: Entered by BIGMAN - Refuse, tall grass and weeds abutting the back alley fence. NOV mailed out.}
09/09/2021 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up Passed {Activity date: 09/09/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BIGMAN; Comment: Entered by BIGMAN - PROPERTY STILL IN VIOLATION. WILL SEND TO R.G TO PLACE ON COURT ORDERED CLEANUP LIST.} ; {Activity date: 04/21/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BIGMAN; Comment: Entered by BIGMAN - RESPONDENT FAILS TO APPEAR. DEFAULT JUDGMENT AND FINE ENTERED AS ABOVE. A REVIEW HEARING SET FOR JULY 6, 2021 @ 11AM FINE 164 +50 = $234 COURT UNDERSTANDS THERE MAY BE SOME MEDICAL ISSUES INVOLVED. PLEASE CONTACT THE INSPECTOR AND COME TO COURT SO WE CAN WORK WITH OWNER.} ; {Activity date: 04/15/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BIGMAN; Comment: Entered by BIGMAN - 12:59 PM PROPERTY STILL IN VIOLATION. REFUSE STILL ALONG BACK END PROPERTY WALL. PICTURE TAKEN AND SUBMITTED TO LP FOR COURT } ; {Activity date: 03/23/2021; Status: Approved; Inspector: BIGMAN; Comment: Entered by BIGMAN - COURT SET FOR 4/20/21 @ 9:30 AM MC1041LC20037855 } ; {Activity date: 08/31/2020; Status: Approved; Inspector: BIGMAN; Comment: Entered by BIGMAN - Property still in violation. Complete citation and submit.}

Completed Case Activity

Case Number - T20DV05316
Case Status: Citation
Case Description: REFUSE & WEEDS IN ALLEY
Description Date Status
CITATION ISSUED 09/02/2020 Passed
CONTACTED BY MAILING 09/02/2020 Passed
COURT HEARING INFO 09/02/2020 Passed


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