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Case: T18DV04550
Case Details
Entered Date:
Tree overhangs onto the bike lane. Owner will not comply (per TDOT)
Case Violations
Case Number: T18DV04550
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Total Violations: 13
Violation Date | Code Statue |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(a)(3) Every existing dwelling unit shall be provided with smoke detectors in good operating condition as required by the Tucson Fire Code of the City of Tucson. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-13(a) ACCUMULATION OF VEGETATION PROHIBITED. Each owner, lessee, tenant, resident or occupant shall maintain a property so it is free of the accumulation or untended growth of vegetation. The accumulation or untended growth of vegetation means the presence of plants on property that create a fire, safety or health hazard, or that attract vermin either on the property, on neighboring properties, or on both, and includes but is not limited to: (1) Any lawn grass that exceeds 6 inches in height; (2) All weeds that exceed 6 inches in height; (3) Dead trees and dead shrubs; (4) Dead palm fronds within ten feet of the ground, a structure, a fence or wall, or of any combustible other than the tree from which the fronds have grown; (5) Any tree, shrub, or other form of vegetation of any kind on the property or on the adjoining right-of-way, street, or alley that extends over or under the sidewalk space or roadway in a manner that may interfere with the reasonable use of the street, sidewalk, or alley for pedestrian or vehicular traffic of any kind or that may obstruct the view or light distribution of traffic-control devices or luminaries. Vegetation must be trimmed and maintained to provide an unobstructed pedestrian path a minimum 48 inches in width and 80 inches in height from grade. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-13(b) ACCUMULATION OF REFUSE PROHIBITED. Each owner, lessee, tenant, resident or occupant shall maintain a property so it is free of accumulated refuse and debris. Accumulated refuse and debris means contained or uncontained refuse and debris that is present on the property in a manner not authorized by the Tucson Code. Material recycling facilities meeting the requirements of section 15-24.7 are exempt from this prohibition. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-13(d) DUTY TO REMOVE WEEDS AND REFUSE FROM ABUTTING SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND ALLEYS UPON NOTICE. Upon receipt of notice served pursuant to section 16-45, the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any premises shall remove from the premises and the abutting portions of contiguous sidewalks, streets and alleys, all weeds, garbage, debris or other refuse which may endanger the health, safety or welfare of the persons in the vicinity of such premises. This duty extends to and includes any abutting sidewalk area and one-half (½) the width of abutting alleys, from the property line to the center line of the alley. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(h) INTERIOR INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL. The interior of all buildings and structures shall be kept free from infestation of insects, rodents and other noxious pests where such infestation threatens the health, safety or welfare of a person or persons. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(c) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. (1) All dwellings and dwelling units shall be provided with electrical service. Electrical facilities connected to or in any building or structure are to be maintained hazard-free and in a state of good repair. The electrical system shall be free from such hazards as bare wiring; overloaded circuits or services; equipment not properly grounded; over-fused circuits; misuse of wiring, including the use of extension cords in lieu of permanent wiring; non-approved wiring; and wiring exposed to moisture or extreme heat. Broken, loose, frayed, inoperable, defective or missing portions of the electrical service, lines, switches, outlets, fixtures and fixture coverings shall be repaired or replaced. (2) All electrical equipment, wiring and appliances shall be installed and maintained in a safe manner and in accordance with all applicable laws. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(e) PLUMBING SYSTEMS. (3) All plumbing systems are to be maintained safe and hazard free and in a state of good repair. Every dwelling or dwelling unit shall have an adequate potable water supply. Every plumbing fixture, water and waste-pipe, and gas connection shall be properly installed in accordance with all applicable laws and maintained in good and sanitary working condition so as to prevent structural deterioration or health hazards, and are to be free from leaks and obstructions. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(e) PLUMBING SYSTEMS. (5) When a structure is equipped with a gas supply system, it must be installed and maintained in a safe, hazard-free condition. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(d) MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. All mechanical equipment and appliances shall be properly installed, maintained in a safe, working, operating condition, and shall be free of any defect that impairs operability. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(f)(5) All interior coverings, finishes, surfaces including walls, ceilings and floors shall be maintained in a good, clean and sanitary condition. Peeling, chipping, flaking or abraded paint shall be repaired, removed or covered. All walls, ceilings or floors shall be free from holes, breaks and loose or rotting materials. Cracked or loose plaster, wallboard, decayed wood or other defective surface conditions shall be corrected. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(a)(2) Every dwelling unit or guest room shall have unobstructed access directly to the outside, or to a public corridor. Every door, stairway, passageway or other means of exit shall be of sufficient size, width and arrangement so as to provide safe and rapid egress in the event of fire. Every walking surface of any means of exit shall be maintained free of warping, rotting, or other damage or obstructions so as to provide safe and rapid egress in the event of fire. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-12(a) (4) WINDOWS, SKYLIGHTS, AND DOORS. Every window, skylight, door and all associated frames, shall be kept in sound condition, repair and weather tight. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. Every window, other than a fixed window, shall be easy to open and capable of being held in position by window hardware. All window and door hardware shall be maintained in good condition and shall function properly. |
08/22/2018 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-4. PERMITS REQUIRED. Unless otherwise exempt pursuant to section 301 of the Administrative Code, as adopted by reference per section 6-1 of this Code, or pursuant to any other ordinance or statute, no building, structure or building service equipment regulated by this chapter or by the technical codes adopted by the city shall be built, erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, moved, improved, removed, converted or demolished unless a permit first has been obtained from the building official in the manner provided in the administrative and building codes adopted by the city. The purpose of a permit is to ensure that all construction is inspected by qualified City of Tucson personnel as directed by ordinance to verify compliance with city codes. Failure to obtain proper permit with inspections and approvals shall deem the construction to be unsafe. |
Completed Inspections
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Number: T18DV04550
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
08/10/2018 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | HOLLANDER | Approved | Found vegitation in ROW. Excess weeds and grass in front yard. |
10/30/2018 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | HOLLANDER | Approved | Permit #T18CM07873 has been secured, inspected and passed. At this time Code Enforcement does not have any further jurisdiction or authority. |
Completed Activity Special Conditions
Case Number - T18DV04550
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Total Completed Case Activity Conditions: 1
Date | Name |
10/30/2018 | VIOLATION CLOSED |