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Case: T15DV05300
Case Details
Entered Date:
Case Violations
Case Number: T15DV05300
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Description: SIGN VIOLATION
Total Violations: 2
Violation Date | Code Statue |
08/28/2015 | T.C. Ch. 3 Sec. 3-68. TEMPORARY SIGNS. A. Temporary non-commercial signs may be displayed for sixty (60) days or less unless otherwise specified in this sign code. B. Removal: If the temporary sign relates to a specific event, the sign must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the event. C. Grand opening, sales and civic events banner, general requirements: 1. Banners: a. All corners must be attached to the building wall or facade. b. Maximum number: One (1) per street frontage. c. Maximum area: Ninety (90) square feet. d. A permit for the use of a banner will be issued for up to forty-five (45) days. e. Removal. A banner must be removed after forty-five (45) consecutive days. 2. Pennants: Pennants will be allowed only for a period of ten (10) days. 3. Balloon sign: One (1) balloon sign is permitted per business establishment. A balloon sign is prohibited from having mechanical or electronic movement or animation of any kind. A balloon will be allowed only for a period of ten (10) days. D. Banner used as temporary signage, general requirements: 1. All corners must be attached to the building wall or facade or a temporary construction structure during periods of remodeling or road construction. 2. Maximum number: One (1) banner per street frontage. 3. Permit: Issued in 45-day increments. This banner cannot be used for more than a cumulative total of ninety (90) days in any calendar year, except that if banner is used to temporarily advertise business activities during the course of construction, permit may be renewed until construction has been completed. 4. Removal: Upon completion of construction or as stated on the permit for installation of the banner. 5. Maximum area: Ninety (90) square feet. |
08/28/2015 | T.C. Ch. 3, Sec. 3-16: A PERMIT IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL A SIGN. A. It shall be a civil infraction for any person to erect, reinstall, alter, change the copy of, repair or relocate a sign within the city limits, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a permit or permits from the development services department, as required by this sign code. |
Outstanding Inspections
Case Number: T15DV05300
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Description: SIGN VIOLATION
Total Outstanding Inspections - 1
End Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
09/11/2015 | SIGN - ILLEGAL SIGN | COX | Item closed |
Completed Inspections
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Number: T15DV05300
Case Description: SIGN VIOLATION
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
08/28/2015 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | COX | Approved | One banner found. |
09/11/2015 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | COX | Approved | Upon visiting another address nearby I witnessed the banner had been removed. |
Completed Activity Special Conditions
Case Description - SIGN VIOLATION
Case Number - T15DV05300
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Total Completed Case Activity Conditions: 3
Date | Name |
09/11/2015 | VIOLATION CLOSED |