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Case: T14DV01804
Case Details
Entered Date:
RMIN: Roof leaking from plumbing issue at unit up above, visible water damage to bathroom walls and ceiling. Has been reported to management previously. Note: Inspector please contact Tenant to allow entry.
Case Violations
Case Number: T14DV01804
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Description: RES: MINIMUM HOUSING
Total Violations: 2
Violation Date | Code Statue |
03/24/2014 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(e) PLUMBING SYSTEMS. (3) All plumbing systems are to be maintained safe and hazard free and in a state of good repair. Every dwelling or dwelling unit shall have an adequate potable water supply. Every plumbing fixture, water and waste-pipe, and gas connection shall be properly installed in accordance with all applicable laws and maintained in good and sanitary working condition so as to prevent structural deterioration or health hazards, and are to be free from leaks and obstructions. |
03/24/2014 | T.C. Ch. 16, Sec. 16-11(f)(5) All interior coverings, finishes, surfaces including walls, ceilings and floors shall be maintained in a good, clean and sanitary condition. Peeling, chipping, flaking or abraded paint shall be repaired, removed or covered. All walls, ceilings or floors shall be free from holes, breaks and loose or rotting materials. Cracked or loose plaster, wallboard, decayed wood or other defective surface conditions shall be corrected. |
Outstanding Inspections
Case Number: T14DV01804
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Description: RES: MINIMUM HOUSING
Total Outstanding Inspections - 2
End Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
07/25/2014 | NPO(PL)-PLUMBING SYSTEM & FX | SMITH | Item closed | |
07/25/2014 | NPO - INT. BUILDING MAINTENANC | SMITH | Item closed |
Completed Inspections
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Case Number: T14DV01804
Case Description: RES: MINIMUM HOUSING
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date | Description | Inspector | Results | Comments |
03/24/2014 | INSP - INITIAL CODE ENFORCMENT | SMITH | Approved | Inspection found what looks to be a leak coming from the bathtub over flow from the unit above. There was already a hole cut in the ceiling and there was damage away from were the leak look to be at; spoke to the onwe of the unit and the manager of the aprtment unit above and showed him what I found and he took pictures so he could show the owner of the company that have the unit where the leak is in. I told the manager that I would be send a NOV for the work that needs to be done. |
07/25/2014 | INSP - FOLLOW UP CODE ENFORCE | SMITH | Approved | All leaks have been repaired still has the cut out in the ceiling but the owner has left the state for the summer and asked for the ceiling not to be fixed. (The property in question is owner occupied the units around him are rentals) He will call us back when he get back. |
Completed Activity Special Conditions
Case Description - RES: MINIMUM HOUSING
Case Number - T14DV01804
Case Status: COMPLIAN
Total Completed Case Activity Conditions: 5
Date | Name |
03/24/2014 | CONTACTED BY PHONE |
03/24/2014 | CONTACTED IN PERSON |
07/25/2014 | VIOLATION CLOSED |