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Case Details





Entered Date:





Life Safety Inspection conducted 3/30/09 Initiated by Complaint # T09FR01103 Sprinkler Inspection #T09FR00931 (R. Heath) active Inspector ______________, Captain_____________ David Greenleaf, MA 23, 791-4502

Outstanding Inspections

Case Number: T09FR01104
Case Status: COMPLETE
Case Description: INSPECTION
Total Outstanding Inspections - 3
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/30/2009 INSP - LIFE SAFETY DGREENLE Violation On 3/27/09 a Tucson Fire Department crew noted violations of the Tucson Fire code while responding to an alarm call at this address and filed complaint # T09FR01103. TFD Inspector David Greenleaf, MA 23, conducted a life safety inspection with Manager Francois on 3/30/09. A field report with a 24 hour timeframe for compliance was written and hand delivered. This report does not address the totality of the violations noted, only the ones that require immediate correction.
03/30/2009 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS DGREENLE Violation TFC 901.6 - Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire detection, alarm and extinguishing systems shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times, and shall be replaced or repaired where defective. Nonrequired fire protection systems and equipment shall be inspected, tested and maintained or removed. _____ Clear the insulation away from the sprinkler head in the upholstry warehouse.
03/30/2009 VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS DGREENLE Violation TFC 1003.6 - Means of egress continuity. The path of egress travel along a means of egress shall not be interrupted by any building element other than a means of egress component as specified in this chapter. Obstructions shall not be placed in the required width of a means of egress except projections permitted by this chapter. The required capacity of a means of egress system shall not be diminished along the path of egress travel. _____ Clear an exit path 28" wide to stockroom door #4 . (Aisles in all non-public areas MUST be maintained a minimum 28" wide)

Completed Inspections

Case Status: COMPLETE
Case Number: T09FR01104
Case Description: INSPECTION
Total Completed Inspections - 1
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
03/31/2009 INSP - REINSPECTION DGREENLE Approved sprinkler cleared and back hallway acceptable. N. Sprenger will continue to work with management to keep aisles clear.