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Case Details





Entered Date:





Full Inspection

Outstanding Inspections

Case Number: T04FR00387
Case Status: COMPLETE
Case Description: INSPECTION
Total Outstanding Inspections - 8
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
INSP - FULL None Not Inspected
09/20/2004 VIOL - PRECAUTION AGAINST FIRE JLANGEJA Violation TFC 315.2- Storage of combustibles shall be orderly. 1. fixture room on N wall cleaned up and aisles provided. 2. fixture room on NW corner cleaned up and aisles provided. 3. aisles outside fixture rooms need to be maintained. 4. stairway to office needs combustibles removed.
09/20/2004 VIOL - FIRE SERVICE FEATURES JLANGEJA Violation TFC 505.1- Premise identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers. SEE HANDOUT. They must be plainly visible from the street fronting the property.
09/20/2004 VIOL - BUILDING SVCS & SYSTEMS JLANGEJA Violation TFC 605.1- Abatement of electrical hazards. Manager's office needs cover plate for electrical wires.
09/20/2004 VIOL - FIRE RESIST.RATED CONST JLANGEJA Violation TFC 703.1- Fire resistive rated construction. Fire resistive rated construction shall be maintained. Ceiling tile in Men's restroom needs to be installed.
09/20/2004 VIOL - FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS JLANGEJA Violation TFC 901.6- Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire protection systems shall be maintained annually. 1. Sprinkler head in Women's restroom (upstairs) needs cleaning. 2. Sprinkler system is due for annual testing. Records are to be kept on site and copy sent to: Fire Prevention 265 S Church Tucson, AZ 85701 3. Cover plates need to be installed on FDC's outside of building (E wall).
09/20/2004 VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS JLANGEJA Violation TFC 1006.3- Illumination emergency power shall be provided for means of egress. Emergency back-up lighting needs repair (S wall in stock room).
09/20/2004 VIOL - MEANS OF EGRESS JLANGEJA Violation TFC 1011.2- Illumination. Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated. S side of E wall exit sign.