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Case Details




LIGHT / New lighting installed on all night not shaded or guarded and very bright much brighter almost blinding causing nuisance to neighboring properties

Entered Date:





Completed Inspections

Case Status: Active
Case Number: CE-VIO1224-04956
Case Description: LIGHT / New lighting installed on all night not shaded or guarded and very bright much brighter almost blinding causing nuisance to neighboring properties
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
12/27/2024 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial In Violation Met with business manager and naintaince personal. Explained what i saw with lighting and explained that permits and lighting code will be needed.
02/24/2025 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up In Violation Met with the business manager Steve. They have an architect involved to obtain the permits. 20 day extention