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Case Details




Tampered with meter but unsuccessful, currently running extension cord to a neighbor's unit

Entered Date:





Completed Inspections

Case Status: Citation
Case Number: CE-VIO1023-06074
Case Description: Tampered with meter but unsuccessful, currently running extension cord to a neighbor's unit
Total Completed Inspections - 2
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
09/12/2024 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial In Violation Rental property unit 3121 N 1st Ave - Open unsecured called owner left vm to have unit boarded up, If I don't hear from the owner within 30 minutes I will re-secure the burned unit. Also, contacted TEP regarding the complaint about tampering with the electrical connection. Waiting for a call back regarding this complaint.. 1:12 pm received call back from owner. Requested to have 3121 N 1st Ave. Also discussed the tampering of electrical service. Will have TEP cut the service. Met with Mgmt. regarding property considered this for VANs.
09/18/2024 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up In Violation Case returned back to me. VAN's reviewed case/property and determined VANS would not be taking this case forward. Re-inspected property: Homeless activity, dilapidated structure, graffiti, refuse, weeds, JMV, Smoke Shop does not have a CofO. Electrical hazards, junction box, outdoor lights.


File Name Document Type  
CIT 0007087,0007088,0007089,CE10, CASE# CE-VIO1023-06074, THIEN QUY DINH.PDF DOCUMENTS VIEW