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Case Details




Raw sewage coming out of commercial rental buildings 919 N. Alvernon and 3827 E. 3rd St.... Issued a 24 hour notice to address the sewage problem. OR the city will cleanup and remove the raw sewage at the expense of the owner.

Entered Date:





Completed Inspections

Case Status: Active
Case Number: CE-VIO0125-00413
Case Description: Raw sewage coming out of commercial rental buildings 919 N. Alvernon and 3827 E. 3rd St.... Issued a 24 hour notice to address the sewage problem. OR the city will cleanup and remove the raw sewage at the expense of the owner.
Total Completed Inspections - 1
End Date Description Inspector Results Comments
01/28/2025 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Initial In Violation Storm water complaint regarding raw sewage in the public right-of-way area. Supervisor meeting with PDSD, Transportation and City Atty. Issue a 24 hour notice then have Storm Water clean the area. Met w/South West Hazardous Company Rep. Delgadillo along with A.Flores w/Storm Water/Transportation reviewed contamination of ground and soil. Issued 24 hour Notice to Property Manager on site D. Gastelum. Tomorrow at 11 am will meet w/StormWater and South West Hazardous Waste Removal Co to clean up site if the owner has not taken steps to abate the violation.

Scheduled Inspections

SCase Number - CE-VIO0125-00413
Case Status: Active
Case Description:
Scheduled Date Description Inspector Status
01/29/2025 COT - ENFC - Code Enforcement - Follow Up Scheduled