Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningI-1
Tucson WardWard 5
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodFairgrounds
Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 905 E MACARTHUR CI
Date - 03/13/2025 2:16 p.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-60-39 West To Silverbell Road And South To San Xavier Indian Reservation 2014 2045

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/13/2025 2:16 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (4)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date
C9-70-72 Park Ave Homes Inc - Park Avenue R-2 Withdrawn 11/02/2011
C9-70-38 Park Ave Home Inc - Park Avenue R-2 Withdrawn 11/02/2011
C9-73-62 Estes Corp - Fair Street I-1 Expired 08/02/2011
C9-81-85 Park Avenue Center - Park Avenue I-1 Effectuated 11/10/2010


Address: 905 E MACARTHUR CI
Date - 03/13/2025 2:16 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (12)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TR-ROW-1224-01450 Issued 12/20/2024 04/20/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) Maintenance permit, At existing Zayo HH locations an extra HH will be placed. Continue pull along, Park ave. STA 192+50. Place Zayo HH at STA 192+60, continue pull to STA 198+90, Place Zayo HH at STA 199+00. Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45. 2 Handholes to be placed in sidewalk / concrete
TR-ROW-1124-01376 Needs Resubmittal 11/26/2024 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) Maintenance permit, At existing Zayo HH locations an extra HH will be placed. Continue pull along, Park ave. STA 192+50. Place Zayo HH at STA 192+60, continue pull to STA 198+90, Place Zayo HH at STA 199+00. Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45.
DP17-0133 Complete 06/12/2017 11/02/2021 Development Package SITE/GRADING - ZAYO TELECOM
TR-ROW-0524-00607 Complete 05/22/2024 10/23/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) Maintenance permit, At existing Zayo HH locations an extra HH will be placed. Continue pull along, Park ave. STA 192+50. Place Zayo HH at STA 192+60, continue pull to STA 198+90, Place Zayo HH at STA 199+00. Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45.
TR-UTL-0524-01021 Void 05/21/2024 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility (Denied - Wrong Permit Type.. Please Submit for NEW permit request under "ROW -General"; when submitting please separate documents into Individual File for Upload ( Site/Construction File; Traffic Control Plan File; Supporting/Related Document File), Make sure to also list you Traffic Control Company under the Contacts.) Plan Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45.
TR-ROW-0424-00442 Void 04/22/2024 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) DENIED - Permit request exceed Mileage distance, does not list relevant Traffic Control or Contractor information.. Submit for NEW PERMITS (not to exceed 1 mile of contagious work area) per permit request. Make sure to reference Local Traffic Control Company for Barricade services, & Reference contractor with AZ ROC that will performing work. Include Traffic plans & Site plans limited to the permits designated work area.... Maintance Permit: possible dig ups, for conduit crushed pipes. At existing Zayo HH locations an extra HH will be place. Begin at STA 0+00, by means pull through, pull fiber along existing Zayo conduits, with 288F micro cable. Place new Zayo HH at STA 1+10. Pull along Alameda St. to E Tools Ave. for approx. 1029' Place Zayo HH at STA 9+70. Resume pulling cable to STA 20+60. Place HH at STA 20+70. Resume pulling cable along existing ducts to STA 30+70. Place Zayo HH at STA 30+80, resume pulling cable to STA 44+90. Place Zayo HH at STA 45+00. resume pulling cable through existing duct to STA 62+00. Place Zayo HH at STA 62+10. Continue cable pull to STA 88+90. Place Zayo HH at 89+00. Resume pull to STA 119+00, to STA 119+10. Continue pull along Euclid ave to STA 142+60 along 36th st. Place Zayo HH at STA 142+70. Continue pull along Park Ave to STA 152+50. Place HH at STA 152+60. Continue pull along Park Ave to STA 172+90, place HH at STA 173+00. Continue pull along, Park ave. STA 192+50. Place Zayo HH at STA 192+60, continue pull to STA 198+90, Place Zayo HH at STA 199+00. Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45.
TD-DEV-0424-00132 Fees Paid 04/19/2024 N/A Development Package Grading Permit Install (N) 190'-0" x 88' -0" fenced with headend for future use. Install (4) (N) fused disconnect for service to (4) (N) distribution panels Install (4) Fiber backhaul
T17CM05292 EXPIRED 07/11/2017 08/15/2018 COMBO NEW TELCOM FACILITY
T17RW04881 FINAL 11/01/2017 12/08/2017 ROW INSTALL NEW 5/8 FULL SERVICE IN ASPHALT; 25 X 35 CUT
T18RW00218 FINAL 01/11/2018 04/06/2018 ROW Bore/ trench 1030ft placing 3-1.25 conduits and fiber starting at exist Zayo vault on west side of Park Ave125ft south of Fair Street. North 75ft, northwest 31ft, west 446ft south 117ft. Then also Starting at west side of Park Ave, 36ft north of MacArthur Cir. From here southwest 21ft then west along MacArthur Cir 322ft then north to site 17ft.

Record Requests

Address: 905 E MACARTHUR CI
Date - 03/13/2025 2:16 p.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (3)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0924-06062 Denied 09/10/2024 N/A Requests Customer must pay fees owed for reviews completed for permit TD-DEV-0424-00132 (905 E MACARTHUR CI TUCSON, AZ 85714) Prior to allowing withdrawal of permit. // Grading Permit Install (N) 190'-0" x 88' -0" fenced with headend for future use. Install (4) (N) fused disconnect for service to (4) (N) distribution panels Install (4) Fiber backhaul
REQ-1024-07210 Submitted - Online 10/22/2024 N/A Requests Need more time to complete project. Requesting extension for 60 days to complete work. At existing Zayo HH locations an extra HH will be placed. Continue pull along, Park ave. STA 192+50. Place Zayo HH at STA 192+60, continue pull to STA 198+90, Place Zayo HH at STA 199+00. Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45.
REQ-1124-07845 Denied 11/18/2024 N/A Requests **DENIED ORIGINAL PERMIT EXPIRED ON 10/23/2024 PLEASE RE-APPLY WITH NEW PERMIT THANKS **requesting an extension due to complications with pending railroad permit. Requesting extension of 90 days. Maintenance permit, At existing Zayo HH locations an extra HH will be placed. Continue pull along, Park ave. STA 192+50. Place Zayo HH at STA 192+60, continue pull to STA 198+90, Place Zayo HH at STA 199+00. Pull cable through existing conduit to STA 226+90, place Zayo HH continue pull to STA 234+45.