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Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningC-1
Tucson WardWard 6
Major Streets & Routes

Gateway Route

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map


Address: 6210 E BROADWAY BL
Date - 03/06/2025 10:22 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (10)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TR-UTL-1024-01982 Complete 10/15/2024 11/20/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility **RUSH REQUEST** WO T103726. TEP will install a new riser on an existing pole.
TC-COM-0823-01893 Inspections Complete 08/03/2023 05/26/2025 Commercial Building New Commercial Shell building for future Starbucks
TR-UTL-0724-01328 Issued 07/16/2024 08/29/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility wo#2818004 6210 e broadway bl 14-14-13 ne install svc in dirt easement south of sidewalk - 6LF/sc
TS-PRM-0524-00242 Inspections 05/31/2024 07/29/2025 Sign - Permanent Sign Package various signs
TR-UTL-0524-00979 Complete 05/16/2024 09/04/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility Barricade only: PRJ271717-1: Cox to overlash 260' to existing aerial for system tie. Aerial Crossing..
TR-ROW-0524-00547 Complete 05/08/2024 08/22/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) Creating ADA ramps on existing sidewalk, trenching water and electrical to new facility. 90 day permit request
TC-CFO-0225-00021 Fees Paid 02/04/2025 03/07/2025 Certificate of Occupancy Tenant Interior Upfit of Shell Building (TC-COM-0823-01893) for a new Starbucks coffee shop. Signage submitted under separate permit.
TC-CFO-0125-00020 Denied 01/31/2025 N/A Certificate of Occupancy This project needs County Health Inspection Document to issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Please sign in to your TDC online account to submit document. Once submitted and approved re-request TCO. Tenant Interior Upfit of Shell Building (TC-COM-0823-01893) for a new Starbucks coffee shop. Signage submitted under separate permit.
TC-COM-0124-00189 Issued 01/29/2024 08/04/2025 Commercial Building Tenant Interior Upfit of Shell Building (TC-COM-0823-01893) for a new Starbucks coffee shop. Signage submitted under separate permit.
TF-FOP-0125-00114 Withdrawn 01/24/2025 N/A Fire Operational Permit WITHDRAWN - Permit not required per Patricia Shelton - Places of Assembly

Record Requests

Address: 6210 E BROADWAY BL
Date - 03/06/2025 10:22 p.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (5)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0125-00813 Denied 01/30/2025 N/A Requests This Project is not complete all related permits (TC-COM-0823-01893) need to be in completed status and all conditions need to be satisfied. Also any and all reviews will need to be approved and completed as well. Please re-request once all associated projects are completed and the conditions have been satisfied. Tenant Interior Upfit of Shell Building (TC-COM-0823-01893) for a new Starbucks coffee shop. Signage submitted under separate permit.
REQ-0225-01236 Denied 02/19/2025 N/A Requests This Project is not completed all conditions need to be satisfied and documentation needs to be provided. Please re-request once all conditions have been satisfied and review is complete. New Commercial Shell building for future Starbucks
REQ-0325-01498 Complete 03/04/2025 03/05/2025 Requests Tenant Interior Upfit of Shell Building (TC-COM-0823-01893) for a new Starbucks coffee shop. Signage submitted under separate permit.
REQ-1024-07364 Complete 10/29/2024 12/03/2024 Requests Delay in shell construction of shell by Landlord
REQ-1124-07718 Denied 11/13/2024 N/A Requests * not needed since permit was issued** // Sign Package various signs. Please extend permit for 6 months.